
What Is The Best Time To Play Slot Machines


The flashiest Slot machines aren't always the best to play. Read the Paytable, check the payout percentage. We have more Slots Tips, Basic and Advanced Strategies you can find out. Contrary to the myth, Casinos don't put 'Loose' slot machines in certain areas and tight slot games in other areas.

  • Pick Slot Machines With High RTP Rates. When going through slot games among online.
  • The author also says playing slot machines between 1 and 7 a.m. Is prudent because the machine is more likely to have had extensive play. Gayle Mitchell concurs but provides a narrower time frame. Mitchell states that the best time to play the slots is from 2 to 6 a.m. Mondays, just after a busy weekend.

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Unfortunately, that’s not actually the way slot machines work: the best time to play slot machines doesn’t exist. The thing is, a slot machine isn’t programmed in any way to pay out at a specific point. It won’t give out a jackpot every time $20,000 has been wagered, nor will it give out a jackpot if you play at a specific time of the day. It might go against what someone has told you in the past, but slot machines are completely random, and can pay out at any time.

That’s right – a jackpot can come on any spin. It doesn’t matter whether the jackpot paid out on the previous spin, or whether it’s not paid out for six months. Every spin of the reels has exactly the same chance of being a winning one. So, there’s no need to lurk around casinos, spying on other players. Instead, pick a slot and sit down, as there’s nothing you can do to alter the chances of winning the game’s jackpot.

Why Do People Think There’s a Best Time to Play?

One important thing has led to the belief that there’s a best time to play slots and win: confirmation bias. If you are told a story that slots pay out at a certain time, you’re likely to think back to the times you’ve played slots and remember that you actually scooped a big win at a time corresponding with the theory, or that you won the jackpot after watching someone else play for hours.

The thing is, while you recall the wins, you fail to recall all the other times you played at a certain time or after a big spending player and didn’t win, which almost certainly outnumber the winning occurrences. You’re looking for a way to validate the theory, and your previous experiences allow you to do this, even if other experiences go against the theory.

Now you believe the theory, you tell your friends, and through confirmation bias, they also start to believe that it’s correct. They then tell their friends, and the whole theory really starts to get some legs. Before long, everyone has this idea that there’s a best time to go to a casino and win, when in reality, it really doesn’t matter when you choose to play.

It’s also important to acknowledge that there’s an inherent suspicion of casinos, and that also plays into the theory that machines are somehow processed to only pay out once the casino has made its profit. However, there’s nothing a casino can do to change the odds of a slot hitting the jackpot, and this is because each slot uses software called a random number generator (RNG).

What is a Random Number Generator?

A random number generator is a highly complex piece of software used to make sure every spin of the reels is random. We won’t go into specifics regarding exactly how it works (learn more here), but you just need to know that it’s a complex algorithm that creates a sequence of numbers that can’t be predicted, thus ensuring that nobody knows what is going to spin in on the reels next. There’s no way that casino employees could tamper with the RNG of a slot.

RNGs are used in all land-based slot machines, aside from the older machines that work mechanically. They are also used within online slots, and that’s what we’re going to look at next.

Winning On Online Slots

So, when is the best time to play slot machines at a casino online? The answer is exactly the same as land-based slots: there is no best time to play slot machines online. Aside from being virtual, as opposed to physical items, online slots work in exactly the same way as modern land-based slots, utilising the same technology to make every spin random and give every player the same chance.

This is perhaps most important to understand when it comes to progressive jackpot slots. Many people watch the value of the jackpot rise, and think that the higher it gets, the more likely the slot is to pay out. In reality, you’ve got exactly the same chance of winning when the jackpot is $500,000 as you do when it’s $5,000,000.

So, when you’re next in a casino, regardless of whether it’s on the Las Vegas Strip or online, ignore the voice that tells you there’s a best day to win at casino games, and just accept that whenever you play, you’ve got exactly the same chance of winning.

Do you frequently play in the casino?

If you do then you must have thought about what the best time for playing slot machines is.

It must have crossed your mind once or twice.

In today’s guide, we’ll be on an adventure to demystify the topic “What is the best time of the day to play slot machines”.

Do you want to know if there is a proven best time for playing slot machines or pokies?

Continue reading to find out.

Many people believe that there is a particular time of the day that is perfect for hitting the casino and at those, it’s easier to hit Jackpots or make incredible wins from the casino.

This belief is no different from others like “believing in the existence of a lucky number” or “the belief that if you roll a dice a certain way, it would produce better results” because they all have no scientific proof.

While so many other people would believe that there is no perfect time for hitting the casino because the machines there operate under the Random Number Generator principle.


The question becomes between these two types of players, which belief do you think is correct?

What Is The Best Time To Play Slot MachinesBest slot machines to win on

Well, the answer to the question is, they are both correct and we’ll be explaining why shortly.

What is the best time of day to play slot machines?

The belief about the best time to play slot stems from the idea that casinos the payout rate of games at certain times or days. So many gamblers have the belief that the best time to play slots is often after 6 pm on Fridays and because of this, if you visit the casino at that time you’d notice that the influx of people playing these games are actually much because they believe that at those times the slot machines tend to pay out more. Some others are if the opinion that you can play every day but the time you should visit the casino should be 3 pm and 7 pm. In the end, what all these tell us is that different people have different opinions regarding the best time of the day to slots.

Well, based on how slot machines work, the frequency and the amount of payment is usually determined by the microchip installed in them. Hence if the beliefs about certain times of the day having more payout were to be correct then it would only mean that the changes would have to be made to the microchip installed in them at those times, which is not possible. Players who have an understanding that casinos operate under RTP (Return to Player) principle know that all the above beliefs are fallacious and that the casino is designed to make the house win in the long run.

For the people who gamble for fun and don’t know what RTP means, Return to Player (RTP) is simply a term used in casinos to describe the percentage of all the wagered sum the casino or slot machine is willing to pay back to players over time. Hence the higher the percentage, the more payouts a person playing on such a machine would receive in the long run. For example, if you happen to find a slot machine with a 100% RTP, then it means that the chances of you winning is equal to the chances of the casino collecting your money too. If you were to find a casino with an RTP greater than 100% then you are more likely to win anytime you play and the casino would be running on a loss. In reality, the highest RTP you can receive from a game (classic blackjack) is over 99%, this means that for every $100 you deposit, you can win back $99 and the casino collects $1 from and if you continue this way you’d realize that on the long run you’d go broke which in turn backs the idea of the house always having the edge.

Even though that’s the mathematics involved, there are still cases where people have made much more than what they deposited. But then the frequency of that occurring isn’t high and the probability of any player achieving this is one out of thousands of other players.

What Is The Best Time To Play Slot Machines And Why

Are there really times that are in your favor to play slot machines?

The short answer to this question would yes.

The reason for this answer is simple different times favor different people for different reasons, you just have to find out what works for you.

Remember, I had earlier said that both sets of people were correct. We have just finished talking about one part, now let’s look into the other set of people to see if their belief is right. Now, for some people playing games on these machines when everywhere is less crowded and peaceful is crucial for them to focus, then playing between the hours of 10 am and 5 pm during weekdays would be ideal for you. At these times, there are fewer people in the casino so you can have access to any game of your choice.

People visit the casino more often at night because the atmosphere is rewarding and because if this they believe that can make some wins. As absurd as it sounds it has been working for several people over time and they have been making most of their wins at night so it basically boils down to what works best for you. For others, the time of the day does not matter as they only go to the casino only when they feel lucky.

The best times to play slot machines

Even though the examples cited above have worked for several people, it is not something that is scientifically proven or that actually works for everyone. Throughout my years of gambling, I have discovered that if you just want to enjoy a slot game and sometimes makes wins then there are truly times you should actually visit the casino and I’ll be revealing these secrets to you in the next paragraph.

The best time to visit any casino is when they are offering special promotions and slot bonuses. So if you are looking for slots machines where you can win all time, rather than doing that you should be looking for casinos that offer promotions and bonuses. One such casino is Red Dog Casino. This online establishment (Red Dog Casino) offers a 250% sign up bonus as a new member with an additional one hundred (100) free spins.

Playing slots games at night time with your friends is also favourable if you are just out to have fun because, at these times, there are usually free drinks at the bar.


Finally, the last thing you could try would be to ask the casino crew in advance to tell you the best day of the week to play slot machines.

When is not the best time to play games on slot machines?

Throughout this guide, we have been discussing the best times to play slot machines. It makes one stop and wonder if there are times not suited for playing slots. The question becomes “Are there really times not suited for gambling on slot machines?” And the answer to that question is yes and I’ll be giving reasons why you should not attempt playing slot games at those times.


It is not advisable to play slots when you are on a tight budget.

Avoid playing slots when you are not in a good mood or when you know you are not in control of your emotions.

For some people, it’s usually not a good time to play slots when the environment is overcrowded. If you fall in this category or you are claustrophobic then it’s not a good idea to visit the slot at those times.

What Is The Best Time To Play Slot Machines 2020

It’s not advisable to play online slots with real money when you are a total noob (newbie).

Best Days To Play Slots


Whether or not there is a best time for playing slot machines, all depends on the player. So it’s usually best to find out what works for you and work with it.
